minako-hayakawa /about

minako-hayakawa/about アバウト


Negaidama - Wish Ball

Asanoha (Flax Leaf)

Because of the way the flax plant grows straight, and because of its strength, this pattern represents a parent's wish for their child's healthy growth and development.

Shippou (Seven Treasures)

This pattern's endlessly connected rings represent the desire to be blessed both with material prosperity and the treasure that is children.

Ume (Japanese apricot)

The Japanese apricot represents wisdom and cleanliness. It is one part of Sho-chiku-bai (pine, bamboo, and apricot), the three symbols of auspicious events in Japan.

Hoshi (Star)

The stars have since ancient times been believed to be deities with a hand in determining the fate of man.

Karakusa (Arabesque)

This pattern is meant to represent happiness continuing from the past and into the future.

Seigaiha (Blue ocean wave)

This pattern represents the way that water is a purifier, and the way that both waves and opportunity always comes around again.